A singular right of a Master Mason is the right to the Rite of Masonic Burial. Masonic burial services are one of the first and, perhaps, the most important duties of a Lodge to its members.
It is the duty of the Worshipful Master of a deceased Brother’s Lodge to provide for and conduct that last sad tribute of respect for a deceased Brother Master Mason in good standing. However, many Lodges throughout this great state do not have brethren sufficiently proficient and comfortable in the proper presentation of the Masonic burial services. And many Lodges throughout this great state do not have adequate membership available on short notice to provide for proper Masonic representation to pay that last sad tribute of respect to the memory of a deceased Brother,
Therefore, this Memorial Association has been formed for the purĀpose of assisting the Master, Wardens and Brethren of any Lodge, when requested, in the proper display of the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of a deceased Brother Master Mason.